Monthly Archives: September 2017

Crochet Baby Beanie

Baby Beanie


What would I give my friend for her new baby granddaughter?

I had crocheted a simple pale pink beanie from soft cotton yarn.
Looking at it,  I could see that it needed another row. And straps to fasten.

I had some bright magenta half bamboo-half cotton thread, much thinner and a little daintier, which I thought would make the fringe snug. I think the straps will be just long enough to tie.

Crochet Baby Beanie

I attached a flower made from a bit of variegated strand… I think it’s some kind of wool.  I crocheted a few surface stitches with the magenta to help blend in the embellishment color-wise, then continued to sew it on with the same strand.

Crochet Baby Beanie

We had coffee and breakfast and enjoyed the perfect autumn morning, and my friend loved the little hat! Looking at the pictures of the cute little newborn girl, I thought it would suit her perfectly.

Crochet Baby Beanie



